تعلم لغة برمجة سي شارب 2008"الجزء الخامس" والاخير

 147-Connecting to Database 4

 148-Connecting to Database 5


 150-pooling 2 . 

151-Reading Data 1 . 

152-Reading Data 2

 153-Reading Data 3

154-Reading Data 4 .

 155-Reading Data 5

 156-Reading Data 6 . 

157-Reading data 7 

 158-Reading data 8 .

159-Commands 1 . 

 160-Commands 2

 161-Commands 3

162-Commands 4 . 

163-Commands 5 . 

 164-Connected wizard 1 

165-Connected wizard 2 .

166-Connected wizard 3 

 167-Connected wizard 4

168-Disconnected Programmatically 1 

 169-Disconnected Programmatically 2 

170-Disconnected Programmatically 3

 171-Disconnected Programmatically 3 

172-Disconnected Programmatically 4

173-Disconnected Wizard 1 . 

 174-introduction to linq 1 .

 175-introduction to linq 2 .

 176-Query Expression 1 . 

177-Query Expression 2 . 

 178-Query Expression 3 . 

179-Object Intilization Expression 1

 180-Object Intilization Expression 2

 181-update by linq . 

 182-Delete by linq . 

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